Question Threads Improvement

Unmaintained Question Threads Improvement 2023-04-19

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
Updates duration
On demand
Visible branding
Adds a notice to the OP prompting them to mark a post as the solution to their question.

The notice is only displayed if the discussion has at least 1 reply and is deleted when a post is marked as a solution or if the action permission on the question is set to Paused or No.

Capture web_5-2-2023_115530_localhost.jpeg

Display a note to the OP when an answer is marked as a solution to indicate that they have the possibility to change or cancel their initial choice. The note has a button that points to the marked answer.

Capture d'écran_20230218_213512.png

Phrases are editable.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  2. CSS adjustments

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Latest reviews

Works as intended. XF is initally not easy when it comes to understand the difference with Forums general, and Questions.
This will allow users to know that the thread is a Question and the answer can be highlited.
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.
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