- Compatible XF 2.x versions
- 2.2
- License
- You may not redistribute the addon in whole or in part.
- Updates duration
- Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above
- Visible branding
- No
This is a recreation of the vBulletin addon https://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=272295&highlight=Register
This addon will ad a floating image(s) to your pages, encouraging guests to register.
The addon comes with the following images, that were provided by the author of the vBulletion addon to be used freely. These will be used by default, unless you upload your own images, and choose the option, "Use own images".
All the addon settings are in the style properties, so you can have different images per style.
To upload your own images, use the asset up loader in the style properties. If you load one image, only one will be shown. If you upload more than one image, they will be randomly rotated through on page refresh/change.
This addon will ad a floating image(s) to your pages, encouraging guests to register.
The addon comes with the following images, that were provided by the author of the vBulletion addon to be used freely. These will be used by default, unless you upload your own images, and choose the option, "Use own images".
All the addon settings are in the style properties, so you can have different images per style.
To upload your own images, use the asset up loader in the style properties. If you load one image, only one will be shown. If you upload more than one image, they will be randomly rotated through on page refresh/change.