[OzzModz] Contact Us Thread

[OzzModz] Contact Us Thread 2.3.7

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Additional requirements
php 7.0+
Standard Library by Xon
Recommended; Spam trigger prune config add-on
MIT Licence
Visible branding
When the Contact Us form is used, this add-on will create a thread in a specified forum.

Associates the thread ownership with the logged in user or as a guest user, and uses a phrase to format the message contents.

Notice: The Contact Us flood check is limited to the maximum time of the standard XF flood check. Unless you have Redis Flood Check or a similar add-on.

Recommend using Spam trigger prune config to ensure spam trigger logs are kept as expected

Supports contact-us specific email ban list

The username for guest users must pass the configured username requirements, but may be an existing username.

Respects the targeted forum's default prefix.

Phrases (depending on if the user is logged in or not):
  • ContactUs_Message_User
  • ContactUs_Message_Guest
Variables sent to the phrase:
  • username
  • subject
  • message
  • email
  • ip
  • spam_trigger_logs - a list of matching spam trigger logs for email & ip. With a limit of x entries, going back y days.
The phrase may accept bbcode.
By default, the phrase ContactUs_Message_Guest will render the email into the message.


Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link.


If you appreciate this add-on, please consider a contribution via PayPal. Details will be provide via private conversation.

Please contact me if you wish for different licencing arrangements.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

More resources from Ozzy47

Latest updates

  1. [OzzModz] Contact Us Thread for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.3.7

    Changed title to [OzzModz] Contact Us thread. Changed developer to Ozzy47/Xon Changed Dev url to...
  2. Unmaintained status

    This add-on is no longer being actively developed, and only minimal support can be offered. The...
  3. 2.3.6 - Minor feature update

    Add filtering the Banned emails for Contact Us

Latest reviews

Easy to use and very useful. Allows staff other than yourself to view and deal with anything submitted to the contact form.
Deserved 5 stars! We have been looking for such a possibility for a long time and have only found it. Easy to install, easy to use and large in scope. Finally, our moderators can also process messages from the contact form. Thanks for that.
I don't use the post as thread functionality but does the job as a spam blocker for contact us form. Thank you.
I guess most of us use an e-mail address for our boards which we don't check as regularly as we check our boards. And this is why it is very helpful to have the contact us submissions created as threads, which then you are aware of that immediately. Thank you.
Nice work ! This addon is very easy to use, i have install your addon on my forum and it work perfectly ! Five star !
Works like a champ! I really like this one. I had something similar to this with another forum software, and really appreciated this feature. Thanks so much for sharing.
Just installed it and ran an initial test. Seems to be great, exactly what I was thinking it would do. Thanks
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