[OGRU] DataTables BB Code converter

Beta [OGRU] DataTables BB Code converter 1.0.0 Beta

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
Additional requirements
PHP 7.0+
Access to command line interface on the server
MIT Licence
This resource can convert old [TH] DataTables BB Code to native XenForo 2.x tables.
It can be useful for migration from XenForo 1.5 to XenForo 2.x

I tried to convert over DataTables BB Code from 1300 messages, and all messages was converted successfully.

How to use it:
  1. Create fresh backup of forum database.
  2. You need to setup DataTables separator in admin panel.
  3. From command line run php cmd.php ogru:datatables:convert
  4. You will get report about converted messages, and skipped messages with errors.
  5. Check you forum messages.
  6. Now you can delete this resource from you forum.
  • It safe to run ogru:datatables:convert command several times.
  • Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 12.36.58.webp
    Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 12.36.58.webp
    16.3 KB · Views: 108
  • Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 17.42.54.webp
    Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 17.42.54.webp
    22.4 KB · Views: 126
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Improved table header for converted tables

    Now use TH BBCode for table header if DataTables header found.

Latest reviews

This works like a charm. it also allowed me to generate a list of posts with table code because I could simply copy the postid's from the terminal. So I could easily check all posts and see if there were any problems. Akll was perfect, except some user generated formatting issues.
Thank you so much for providing this. If you happen to have this for other content types as well, then that would be very welcome.
Thank you!
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