Media Filter by AddonsLab

Media Filter by AddonsLab 2.8.0

No permission to buy ($69.99)
The default behavior of the product to search multiple values of the same custom field is to find any items which match to any of the options selected. For example, if a media item is created with the values of a custom field put as "option 1" and "option 2", and another media item is created with the same custom field having a value "option 1" only, then a user filtering the list checking both "option 1" and "option 2" in the form would see both media items in the results. With this update, we detect such cases and give users an additional selection field under the checkboxes allowing to change this behavior and find only the media items which have ALL instead of ANY selected options checked.


Also, admins are able to set if the default match type for a field should be "Match all options" or "Match any option". This can be set in add/edit field page, under the sector "Options for choice fields".


The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Feel free to suggest further enhancements for the add-on or report any issues you have and they will be addressed asap.

Please consider posting a review if you are using the add-on and let us and other users know how it works for you.

Thank you!
This version introduced two substantial enhancements - ability to filter media by keywords and tags. Both features are configurable and can be turned off in product's options. Keyword search can be configured to search in media title only or both title and the description. Both fields support AJAX mode. In the background, XenForo search engine and the cache is used to filter the media.

2018-10-10 16.46.18.webp

The version also has a stability enhancement fixing PHP errors logged in the Admin Panel in the cases when a bot or a user would intentionally supply filter values which don't exist in the choices of a multiple-choice field. The error would be generated due to the system trying to find the phrase for the option and resulting in "Undefined index..." error.

The version will require rebuilding of Media Fields search index from Admin Panel -> Tools -> Rebuild caches -> Rebuild search index (select Media Fields as Content type).

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Feel free to suggest further enhancements for the add-on or report any issues you have and they will be addressed asap.

Please consider posting a review if you are using the add-on and let us and other users know how it works for you.

Thank you!
In this version, we fixed a PHP error when running the task "Rebuild Media Fields". We have also fixed the Optimize button being active in Enhanced Search configuration even after optimization.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Feel free to suggest further enhancements for the add-on or report any issues you have and they will be addressed asap.

Please consider posting a review if you are using the add-on and let us and other users know how it works for you.

Thank you!
In this release, we have optimized the product for the boards which use custom fields with thousands of possible choices.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Feel free to suggest further enhancements for the add-on or report any issues you have and they will be addressed asap.

Please consider posting a review if you are using the add-on and let us and other users know how it works for you.

Thank you!
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