illuminate (dark) 🌒

illuminate (dark) 🌒 2.2.15

No permission to buy ($30.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

Excellent style. Easy to customize and "Unheard-of" developer support that goes the extra mile for their customer. I would give 10 thumbs up, if i had more than two.
Thanks Zolo, I appreciate the 10 thumbs up!
An absolutely stunning style/theme! It's smooth, easy to use and the added extras, attention to detail are second to none. I asked @Ehren to quickly add some extra customisations for me too on top and he did it literally that evening.
Superb style, excellent help and very professional. We bought both style options on the discounted price. Well worth it.
Thanks for the review Kris, glad you're enjoying the themes so far! :)
The moment I saw this come up for sale since I regularly visit the RM, I purchased it. Things I like by Ehren are an instant purchase for us and our community. He is someone with a long history from IPB who made his way to xF and I'm glad he did. We've been using the Light version of this style for a bit now and it is gorgeous, his constant and quick support, attention to detail and how much in mind he kept mobile devices when crafting it, made this purchase a no-brainer. You can currently see this style and the light version in action at

Buy from Ehren, you won't be sad.
Haha thanks very much - I hope your members enjoy it as much as you! :)
Very very nice theme I just love it! The support is also excellent!
It really lifts xenforo to another level!
Thanks for the continuous support, I'm glad you're happy with the dark version! :)
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