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Unmaintained How to add a custom Tab

Ever want your user upgrades to have their own tab? well look no futher.

You will need to go
Admin Cp --> Appearance --> style --> Your Skin-->Templates

Once your in templates go to "navigation"
Search for this once your in navigation

<!-- extra tabs: end -->
        <xen:if is="{$extraTabs.end}">
        <xen:foreach loop="$extraTabs.end" key="$extraTabId" value="$extraTab">
            <xen:if is="{$extraTab.linksTemplate}">
                <li class="navTab {$extraTabId} {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}">

Right above it add this code
<li class="navTab PopupClosed"><a href="{xen:link account/upgrades}" class="navLink">Premium</a></li>

and boom your own tab for user upgrades
Ever want your user upgrades to have their own tab? well look no futher.​
You will need to go​
Admin Cp --> Appearance --> style --> Your Skin-->Templates
Once your in templates go to "navigation"​
Search for this once your in navigation
<!-- extra tabs: end -->
        <xen:if is="{$extraTabs.end}">
        <xen:foreach loop="$extraTabs.end" key="$extraTabId" value="$extraTab">
            <xen:if is="{$extraTab.linksTemplate}">
                <li class="navTab {$extraTabId} {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}">
                <a href="{$extraTab.href}" class="navLink">{$extraTab.title}</a>
                <a href="{$extraTab.href}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a>
                <div class="{xen:if {$extraTab.selected}, 'tabLinks', 'Menu JsOnly tabMenu'}">
                    <div class="primaryContent menuHeader">
                        <div class="muted">{xen:phrase quick_links}</div>
                    {xen:raw $extraTab.linksTemplate}

Right above that put code:
<li class="navTab PopupClosed"><a href="{xen:link account/upgrades}" class="navLink">Premium</a></li>
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