German Language Pack [Du]

Unmaintained German Language Pack [Du] 1.5.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.3
  5. 1.4
  6. 1.5
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment

Today I offer the German language-pack for XenForo
A version of "Deutsch [Du]"

If your interested in
  • an imprint with about us
  • addons Made in Germany
  • dozens of German language-packs for many popular addons
  • German speaking support
you will find it all at XenDach

Some impressions

001.webp 002.webp 003.webp

004.webp 005.webp 006.webp

007.webp 008.webp 009.webp

Terms of use:
  • Support in German language is available at
  • Please do not repost this language-pack.
  • Please use it for your forum(s) only
  • Please do not release this anywhere as your own work, either with or without modification.
I also offer German language packs for:
  • 8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)
  • [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media)
  • [] XenPorta (Portal)
  • [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.2+
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  • XenForo Deutsch [Du]
  • XenForo Deutsch [Sie]
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  • Xenforo User Map
  • Xen-TR Who Has Visited

and addons

  • [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) - German Countdown
  • [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) -
  • ACP Language
  • Limit Language Usage
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 16 ratings

More resources from Alluidh

Latest updates

  1. New language pack for XenForo 1.5.1

    Changes All new phrases were translated All outdated phrases were newly translated All known...
  2. New language pack for XenForo 1.5.0 Release Candidate 1

    New language pack for XenForo 1.5.0 Release Candidate 1 Changes All Most new phrases were...
  3. New location

    Added a new location

Latest reviews

As always fast and perfect update. Thank you for your fast service with the most important German translation pack. Although I prefer the "Sie" over the "Du" version.
Perfect translation, perfect support. Danke!
Top !! and more translation in german you will find on
Excellent :)
Excellent Job, thanks
Vielen Dank!
A great translation, thanks!
This is great and very helpful. Danke!!!
@Alluidh, here thank you too! 5 Stars!
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