- Compatible XF 2.x versions
- 2.2
- Additional requirements
- Bob's AMS 2.2.26+
- Visible branding
- No
You can all thank @Forsaken for sponsoring the license for AMS so this could be released
- Show the article content above in the thread header (with page buttons if multipage article)
- Hide first post of the discussion (which is just a link to the article).
- Optionally show the article cover image (either as thumbnail or full image)
- Add a "Create Article" button to selected forums
- Link AMS and XF prefixes, so when discussion thread is created it can be set by prefix rather than just category.
- Update discussion thread prefix if article is moved to a new category or has its prefix changed.
- Move reactions from original thread when using "Convert thread to article" function.
- Copy newly posted comments to the article discussion thread.
- Correctly prefix all table fields, template names and option variables to bring it in line with XF addon coding standards - thanks @Bob
- Integrate prefix filter into main navigation block
- [NEW] Generate cover image thumbnails - Instead of serving full size attachments as cover images (which can really slow page loading down) you can now choose to generate a smaller version which will be used instead, totally bypassing the attachments system (and able to be easily edge cached)
Prefix Linking: