Featured images

Featured images 2.8

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Featured images v2.8 changes:

Now supports WebP attachments.
Featured images v2.7 changes:

Featured images are now square.
Featured images v2.6 changes:

Added Log errors to options page.
Featured images v2.5 changes. Now compatible with XenForo Cloud. If upgrading from previous version, please create a new directory /data/files/featured_images using File manager, also the Options page Image URL field needs to be updated.
Featured images v2.4 changes:

Improved error handling code.
Featured images v2.3 changes:

Fixed issue with image selection condition.
Featured images v2.2 changes:

Updated abstracted file system code.
Featured images v2.1 changes:

Updated andy_featured_images.less template.
Featured images v2.0 changes:

The options page has two changes. If upgrading please remove trailing slash from Image link and Image path settings.
Featured images v1.9 changes:

Now supports Server based trigger.
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