Exclusive Light

Exclusive Light 2.2.13

No permission to buy ($35.00)
  • XenForo v2.2.13 compatibility.
  • All templates are now compatible with XenForo v2.2.13 Release.

Note: Please do not install the style, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.2.x+.

If you think need to help, you can contact us or create a support ticket.
  • XenForo 2.2.12 compatibility
  • XenForo 2.2.11 compatibility
  • Template modifications are updated.
  • Fixed node icon issue for third-party add-ons.
  • XenForo 2.2.9 compatibility
  • PHP 8 Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered bug fixed
XenForo 2.2.8 Compatibility Update

All outdated templates are updated to 2.2.8 and also confirmed XF v2.2.8 compatibility.
Template modifications are updated.
  • In this version, an arrangement has been made for the forums designated as search forums.
  • Fixed the cookie issue for collapsible categories.
  • Fixed background issue of quick touch while in a forum.
  • The DragonByte eCommerce cart icon issue reported by fsnet has been resolved.

Templates update:

Templates changed:
  • All templates are now compatible with XenForo's v2.2.0 Release Candidate 1.
  • Some new styling features have been added.
  • The add-on developed for the theme has been updated.
  • For the message fields, arrangements were made so that the first message was horizontal and the other messages were vertical.
  • Some issues previously reported by customers have been resolved.
  • Some add-ons conflicts with our other designs have been resolved.
  • Some color corrections have been made.
With the release of the XenForo'nun v2.2.0 Release Candidate 1, we are pleased to offer our valued customers a quick update to our themes.

Note: This is beta software style. As you know, XenForo v2.2.0 Release Candidate 1 version is not officially supported.

Attention: Please do not upgrade old style add-on with the new version. Please follow these steps,
1. Uninstall the old version then remove the all files at src/...
2. Install the new version from.

We do not recommend running beta software in a production environment, and support is limited at this time to questions here on the community forums.
With the release of the XenForo 2.1.10 Patch 2 version, we are pleased to offer our valued customers a quick update to our themes.
  • Working with XenForo 2.1.10 Patch 2
  • Old templates adapted with the new version.
  • The add-on that comes with the theme has been updated.
  • Some bugs reported by customers have been fixed.
  • Node icon problem fixed.
  • Node inconsistent behavior has been fixed.
  • Added a new option to style properties for the default node layout.
  • Sidebar icon problem solved.
  • Standard navigation format has been adjusted.
Some improvements have been made with this release. Also updated according to XenForo 2.1.10 Patch 2 version.
With the release of the XenForo 2.1.6 version, we are pleased to offer our valued customers a quick update to our themes.
  • Working with XenForo 2.1.6
  • Some template changes have been updated.
  • Old templates adapted with the new version.
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