Daily Statistics

Daily Statistics 2.2.0

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This add-on is now avaliable on atelieraphelion.com
  • Require php 7.2+
  • Require StandardLib v1.18.0+
  • Fix pagination of "latest members" list in admincp
  • Add "Add search link in dashboard" option (default: enabled) and "Add search link for forum statistics widget" option (default: disabled)
    • Requires the "Can search" permission
    • "Latest members" links to the admincp page, which requires the admincp "Manage users" permission
  • Like
Reactions: Mouth
  • Require XenForo 2.2+
  • Require php 7.0+
  • Depend on Standard Library by Xon (free) & remove dependency on old SV/Utils
  • Replace add-on png icon with font-awesome icon
  • Rename front-end phrases and simplify how front-end extend stats are rendered
    • Fixes some bad phrase & function names.
    • Fix "Active members" shouldn't show on the front-end
  • Add threadmarks support. By default; enabled in admincp but not the front-end.
  • Fix front-end stats not displaying
  • Fix Active members would display Latest members instead
  • Update template to be more consistent
  • XF2 updates forum stats every ~10 minutes, so no point forcing a refresh when viewing the dashboard
  • Shorten admin navigation key, as a workaround for a bug fixed in XF2.0.12
  • Fix trying to load XFMG stats when XFRM is installed but not XFMG
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