Crowd Moderation

Crowd Moderation 2.1.0

No permission to buy ($15.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

A must-have for busy forums. Setting a threshold of two or three posts before sending a post to the moderation queue ensures that problem content is swiftly removed, even if staff hasn't had a chance to get around to looking at it. It has saved us *many* times.
Very useful addon. When no moderator is around and some member posts something nasty, community can take care of the situation.
It is also nice to be abIe to set different moderation point for each user group.
Nice. Best thing ever to give all staff instant moderation without moderation access to all areas, and trusted members if needed.
Thanks very much to Xon for porting it to XF2 and his support. This add-on has been very helpful in managing my forum since XF1 times.
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