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Unmaintained Avatars - Big & Tall

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 9 reviews

OMG Jake. I never imagine someone would make this, thank you, thank you, thank you. Way better than having to edit the core files.
Awesome love this tweak thanks
This is a fantastic tweak! This visual representation is the new style and required no mass amounts of coding! great job.
Thanks this is exactly what I was after.
Love this modification, our forum members have costumes and they always prefer to show portraits, this takes care of the avatars being just square. Thanks Jake
The default 96px size may work for most people, but I like a bigger print. I modified the height to 120px and it was exactly what was needed. Perfect solution, clearly explained and simple to implement! Thanks Jake!
Wonderful! Just what we needed for our forum!
Handy just for the img="true"
great, exactly what we're after :)
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