Resources by kick

Hide paid content with HIDEBUY BB-code tag
[MMO] Coin Widget K
Bitcoin and Litecoin Donation Buttons
[MMO] Mentions Users Rich Formatting K
Formatting usernames to group color in messages
[MMO] Impersonate User K
Log in to another user's account
[MMO] Disable Lost Password K
Turns off the ability to recover a password
[MMO] Profile Post Message In Card K
Adds the last profile message to the card
[MMO] Title Warning K
Prevent the use of certain phrases in thread names
[MMO] Adjust Title Case K
Auto convert title register
[MMO] BbCode Tooltip K
Add a tooltip on hover
[MMO] Remove Quick Thread K
Deletes a quick thread form.
[MMO] Overlay Direct Messages K
Adds direct message in a modal window.
[MMO] Change Password Permission K
The prohibition on changing the password for certain user groups.
[MMO] Post Edit Reason K
Adds a reason for editing the message to the message.
[MMO] Centrifugo K
Integration with scalable real-time messaging server.
[MMO] Who Downloaded This Resource K
Display a list of users who downloaded a resource
[MMO] Tag Essentials K
Adds key features to make tags better on your site
[MMO] External Accounts K
The ability to register and enter the forum through popular social networks.
[MMO] User Ban Info K
Adds a user lockout label
[MMO] Core Library K
Toolbox for our xF2 add-ons.
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