Advanced search

Advanced search 3.5

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Advanced search v2.5 changes:

Added error message if search conditions were out of range.
Advanced search v2.4 changes:

Fix thread starter to show correct username. Added all search criteria information to results page.
Advanced search v2.3 changes:

Added results count to results page.
Advanced search v2.2 changes:

Added code to prevent redirects from showing in results.
Advanced search v2.1 changes:

Added PHP code to prevent server error log if Enable tags is not selected in options.
Advanced search v2.0 changes:

Updated PHP code to prevent server error log when Search forums is empty.
Advanced search v1.9 changes:

Added option to include tags as part of the search. Also added the ability to capture search URLs so custom search links can be created.
Advanced search v1.8 changes:

Removed target _blank from links.
Advanced search v1.7 changes:

Added Replies column to results page.
Advanced search v1.6 changes:

Advanced search link now only shows to those user groups with permission.
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