AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics

AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics v1.4.0

No permission to buy ($15.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

Absolutely brilliant addon which allows us to gather statistics on the number of ad blockers and also limit some permissions for ad blockers by putting them in a dedicated adblocker user group.
Thank you for the generous and kind review. Cheers mate.
It's working well on my forum. I like watching to see how many people are blocking advertisements and have them moving to a special usergroup that reduces their conversation abilities. I post a notice to let them know to support my community by disabling or to pay for membership like the rest of my good users.
Must have addon. Amazing to see how registered users had to stop their adblock on the site in order to be able to write and watch photos. It works great and people don't complain, they have an option to keep on using the adblocker buying a paid subscription or whitelist our site.
Thank you @diretur - be sure to update to the most recent version, lots of changes since you downloaded.
An excellent addon, useful, the author updates it often, listens to customers, thank you very much for the good work.
Thank you @clanzone :)
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