Recent content by Zaino60

  1. Z

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Yeah, not sure if you read my first message but that's not covered in the FAQ. My issue isn't having the home tab not set correctly, but having the board url redirect to it and the board url be something else, which doesn't seem to work by changing the Basic Board options on ACP or using route...
  2. Z

    How to make a tabbed widget

    Hey, sorry for the necro. I used this guide to display some iframe leaderboards as tabs on my website as seen as However, I can't seem to be able to remove the black square that surrounds the iframe. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Here's the...
  3. Z

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Yeah I already have had changed that but it didn't solve my problem. Since Xenforo is installed in the "forum" folder on my server files, the default domain for the board index is and the Home page url I set it to "ewr-porta/" and therefore its
  4. Z

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Hey, so I recently upgraded to Xenforo 2 so I moved from Widget Framework to XenPorta. However, I was wondering if there was a way to redirect the main forums list path ( in my case) to the XenPorta ( and the main forums list would be renamed to something...
  5. Z

    [bd] Widget Framework

    I added the add-on and the option to render certain threads on the index but for some reason it's ignoring the line breaks on the threads, as you can see here How can I fix this?
  6. Z

    [SCC] Minecraft Server Status [Deleted]

    Sorry for bringing this back, but is there are any alternative add-on to this?
  7. Z

    [SCC] Minecraft Server Status [Deleted]

    It doesn't work for Minecraft 1.9 Errors: Please fix!
  8. Z

    XF 1.5 Users logging in as other users!

    Hello Xenforo community, Lately I have been experiencing a weird MAJOR bug at my forums ( in where RANDOMLY there is a very low chance of an user when logging in to it's account, to be logged with someone else's account instead of theirs. I have no idea what are...
  9. Z

    Icewind Staff [Deleted]

    Update to XF 1.5 please, as it doesn't actually work:
  10. Z

    XF 1.5 Changing default avatar

    And do you know anyone who could be willing to do this? I would pay
  11. Z

    XF 1.5 Changing default avatar

    Yeah but how do I do so it varies with player's username and follows the image displayed by that link?
  12. Z

    XF 1.5 Changing default avatar

    Dear Xenforo Community: I was wandering if there was an option by changing the style/template configurations to make the DEFAULT AVATAR OF ALL USERS to be replaced instead of the default picture (The Male/Female/Unspecified logo), for the picture given at
  13. Z

    XF 1.5 Mysqli statement execute error

    It only happened once apparently, but I wanted to know if I can ignore it because it was a one-time thing or if I should do something with the configurations or the MySQL database
  14. Z

    XF 1.5 Mysqli statement execute error

    Dear Xenforo Community, I recently found an error in my log which wasn't letting users to reply in a certain thread. You can see the error here: More info: What is this error about? Is it harmful for my forums or I...
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