Recent content by Walker29

  1. Walker29

    XF 1.1 "Sign in through steam"

    Few things to do manually but I got that working, thanks!
  2. Walker29

    XF 1.1 "Sign in through steam"

    Anyone know where I can find a Sign in through steam addon that is working?
  3. Walker29

    Large forum peformance: XenForo vs vBulletin

    I'm not running a big forum but have noticed a significant performance improvement over vB (moved to it a few days ago)
  4. Walker29

    Turn off signatures completely?

    That would've took too long but I've added this to extra.css and it's done the job. .message .signature { display:none; }
  5. Walker29

    Turn off signatures completely?

    Is there a way I can turn off signatures completely as they're making my threads look tacky. No way of stopping them being displayed even if they have them set already?
  6. Walker29

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Driving me mental, I'm getting php errors when using recent news, anyone have any ideas? An exception occurred: Undefined index: sticky in C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\devforum\library\EWRporta\Block\RecentNews.php on line 17...
  7. Walker29

    Comic Sans

    can't we have tahoma or arial as the default font, this Georgia or whatever it is called is a bit boring.
  8. Walker29

    Comic Sans

    jesus christ
  9. Walker29

    XenForo Overview

    Liking the software!
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