Recent content by Vladislav Rastrusny

  1. Vladislav Rastrusny

    FractalizeR: TransliterizeR. Multilungual transliteration button for editor addon [Paid] [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Vladislav Rastrusny

    FractalizeR: hide editor buttons [Paid] [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. Vladislav Rastrusny

    FractalizeR: Joomla Kunena 3.x importer [Paid] [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. Vladislav Rastrusny

    Design issue Reports about moved threads/posts are invisible to a destination forum moderator

    The situation: You have a post in forum X. You create a report about it. This report is now visible to the moderator of forum X. Now you move post to a forum Y. Reports contain node data in a serialized form in the xf_report.content_info field. And this info is not updated on thread/post...
  5. Vladislav Rastrusny

    How stable is ElasticSearch service on your forum?

    Hello, guys. I've heard, that Elastic can be quite unstable when running on a single machine (not in the cluster configuration). What is your experience with? How stable is it on your forum?
  6. Vladislav Rastrusny

    Fixed Incorrect "Expires" header for attachments

    @digitalpoint It looks like @Yoskaldyr is correct. I think we can use Cache-Control: max-age=31556926; no-cache in XenForo_ControllerPublic_Attachment to force browsers to store cached copies indefinitely without touching Session at all because Cache-Control takes precedence over Expires if it...
  7. Vladislav Rastrusny

    Which part of XenForo code is reponsible for creating a conversation/email about user being banned?

    Well, stupid of me, but it looks, like no such feature exists in the core ;)
  8. Vladislav Rastrusny

    Which part of XenForo code is reponsible for creating a conversation/email about user being banned?

    Hi. Just can't find a piece of code, that is responsible for creating conversation / email to the user being banned. I would like to override this to force email being always sent to the user about the ban disregarding his profile settings (ban notifications are important). Where should I...
  9. Vladislav Rastrusny

    Has anyone been able to extend the Controller.php ?

    It should be if (!class_exists('XFCP_AddOn_Controller', false)) {$extend[] = 'AddOn_Controller'; }
  10. Vladislav Rastrusny

    XF 1.3 Is XenForo compatible with xcache.stat = Off?

    Thanks, I will look into it. Though, I must handle mass template rebuilds as well as single ones.
  11. Vladislav Rastrusny

    XF 1.3 Is XenForo compatible with xcache.stat = Off?

    Well, we encountered the following problem: with XCache stat=Off and storing templates in the file system there is an obvious problem - templates are not really updated when XenForo updates them. After any template modification, new page creation or anything else that is based on updating a...
  12. Vladislav Rastrusny

    New Conversation Limit [Deleted]

    Yep, per-group option is a must-have ;)
  13. Vladislav Rastrusny

    Lack of interest Multi Select Node Chooser

    Don't know why this is marked as Lack of Interest. I think this should go to the core.
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