Recent content by Vincent Gabriel

  1. V

    CLI Import External Data

    Normally on larger boards the threads and posts take the longest. for us with 20Million posts that was the issue.
  2. V

    CLI Import External Data

    You can set the batch size when you run the command and yes you can and should increase batch size if you have a powerful enough server with enough resources. you can also run it in the background. just append &
  3. V

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Anyone experienced the same thing? this is still happening.
  4. V

    CLI Import External Data

    That's correct. It mimics the default one but allows to run trough the command line. It'll allow to maybe increase the batch size of each step to run it faster on larger boards with vps or dedicated servers. I actually bought the big board importer and this won't work nearly as fast
  5. V

    Unmaintained CLI Import External Data 0.0.1

    # CLI Import External Data Tool This is used to eliminate the HTTP requests when using the default web based import external data feature. Upload the contents to the root folder and run `php _import.php` from the console. Make sure to first start the improt process from the admin panel and...
  6. V

    CLI Import External Data

    Vincent Gabriel submitted a new resource: CLI Import External Data - cli import tool Read more about this resource...
  7. V

    updating skin property value

    What will be a programmatic way of updating the background-image property in a skin. attached screenshots ( [property_definition_id] => 19 [definition_style_id] => 0 [group_name] => general [title] => Body [description] =>...
  8. V

    vBulletin Big Board Importer [vBulletin 3 + vBulletin 4] [Paid]

    Thanks. I've been modifying the script to support certain things like the usergroups, custom fields, moderators and permissions. as well as minor changes to the output of the times, interactive console and ability to specify multiple banned user groups. I've also updated to read the...
  9. V

    XF 1.5 Banned IP and emails did not import

    i just did this: $model = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Banning'); $ips = explode("\n", $ips); foreach($ips as $ip) { try { $model->banIp($ip); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $ip . ':' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } is there a reason why IPs/emails are not...
  10. V

    XF 1.5 signed out every few minutes

    No, it's local on my machine. seems like it fixed itself. during cache rebuilt, is there a reason why users will be logged out?
  11. V

    XF 1.5 signed out every few minutes

    no, there is only one domain, we don't use www in it. it's always.
  12. V

    XF 1.5 signed out every few minutes

    After an import from VB when i login to an account and check the stay logged in checkbox. i'll be logged in for a few minutes than signed out, forcing me to login again. are there any settings, or cache related things i need to run or check for? i am not entirely sure why this happens and i'd...
  13. V

    XF 1.5 category to forum

    Yes, they are indeed in the database. seems like something fairly simple and trivial to implement into XF. thanks for the clarification.
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