Recent content by Vanjoe

  1. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    What's the latest version? From his website? I would double check if I were you. He pushes updates to his website before pushing them here from what I noticed. I don't have any deleted users, your errors might be related to just that user you deleted/having a deleted user. I don't have any errors.
  2. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    What version are you using? It works fine for me.
  3. Vanjoe

    Lack of interest Display votings of posts on the left side next to the avatars

    It's rather confusing when the thread list has the votes on the left side, but the thread itself has the votes on the right side. Not a fluid experience. Votes should appear above the avatars.
  4. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    It shows up for guests too. Not in the thread itself, but under Latest posts.
  5. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    I'm not sure if that's how regular approved replies work. But if a user posts a comment, it doesn't use the comment time under "Latest posts", but it uses the approval time. In the comment itself it uses the comment time. Post a comment at 1PM. Comment is approved at 5PM. Latest posts: Last...
  6. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    When a user that requires post approval posts a comment and you don't approve it (delete), it still bumps the thread and shows up on under Latest posts.
  7. Vanjoe

    XF 2.2 Significant backwards compatibility break in XF 2.2: From Zend to Laminas

    Is there a simple way to check if an addon is using the Zend Framework? For users that want a smooth transition to 2.2 without having to wait for addon developers. I sure would hate to upgrade only to find out an addon I require doesn't work while the addon developer is MIA.
  8. Vanjoe

    [XenConcept] Profile Views [Paid]

    Most viewed seems to be sorting users based on username, not views count.
  9. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    1. When moving a post with a lot of comments (about 14) to a new thread, the comments that were replies to other comments still had the little arrow. They weren't replaced with a quote. Not only that, but when you click the arrow it says "invalid comment". I had to manually replace the arrows...
  10. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    Under "Latest activity", it'll say "user X reacted to YOUR comment". Even if it's not your comment, or even if you're a guest. Not all the time, but a lot. I'm not sure what triggers it. Possibly only on comments where you click the "comment" button and it has that arrow with the username you're...
  11. Vanjoe

    Shoutbox by Siropu [Paid]

    Could you add an option for guest refresh rate? I'd like to have a good refresh rate for members while letting guests view the shoutbox without a big impact on performance.
  12. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    When I merged two posts, one with a comment, the comment disappeared. The addon is lacking in the moderation area, from the inability to move a post to a comment, to what seems to be a lack of support for post merging. My main concern is would the comment that disappeared cause issues down the...
  13. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    I am running 1.8.3. When upgrading, do I have to replace files? I can try re-installing the addon. Edit: it says 1.8.10 in the admin panel. Edit: Downloading 1.8.11. Thanks.
  14. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    Yeah, just use any reaction with a negative value. Not custom -1, but set to "negative" in the reaction panel.
  15. Vanjoe

    [UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

    XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1264]: Out of range value for column 'reaction_score' at row 1 src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php:228 Stack trace UPDATE `xf_uw_comment` SET `reaction_score` = ?, `reactions` = ?, `reaction_users` = ? WHERE `comment_id` = 69 ------------ #0...
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