Recent content by UncoiledHydra73

  1. UncoiledHydra73

    XF 2.2 Change where media is uploaded

    Instead of having files uploaded by users to would there be a way to change it to
  2. UncoiledHydra73

    XF 2.2 How to make it so i can view bots on the website

    How can i make it in the online users list so that i can see if robots are on the website. For Example,
  3. UncoiledHydra73

    Why is XenForo so expensive

    I know for a blog function you can use XenPorta 2 Pro
  4. UncoiledHydra73

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    You would have needed to installed XenForo to not Besides that, You can make a route filter. Admin Panel > Setup > Route Filters > Find Route: ewr-porta/ Replace With: /community (or whatever you want it) After setting the route filter, announcements should...
  5. UncoiledHydra73

    XF1 or XF2

  6. UncoiledHydra73

    XF1 or XF2

  7. UncoiledHydra73

    XF1 or XF2

    I Have a question. For a Minecraft server community website, should I go with XF1 or XF2
  8. UncoiledHydra73

    XF 2.2 Addon Line

    How can I do that
  9. UncoiledHydra73

    XF 2.2 Addon Line

    How do i prevent it?
  10. UncoiledHydra73

    XF 2.2 Addon Line

    This is what my src/config.php looks like. <?php $config['db']['host'] = 'localhost'; $config['db']['port'] = 3306; $config['db']['username'] = ''; $config['db']['password'] = ''; $config['db']['dbname'] = ''; $config['db']['socket'] = null; $config['enableAddOnArchiveInstaller'] = true...
  11. UncoiledHydra73

    XF 2.2 Addon Line

    This is my Server Environment Report
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