Recent content by UGTeam

  1. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 How to add a group legend in footer?

    Look at my footer and see what i have got there.
  2. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    Hi Tracy. This style i designed 18 years ago with a guy called scorpion and we ran it on vBulletin 3.8.6, now i wanted to have this style running on xenforo 2.2.10 patch 1, so i re-designed all the tcats to suite xenforo, but my issue is the logo and the navbar. I wanted to look like the...
  3. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    i am slowly getting the site ready, can you see the gap from the logo to navbar the grey area, that'sthe area i want the navbar to fit in, or lower the logo so it fits with the navbar. I don't know if the logo can fit behind the navbar.
  4. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    ok i have added my site link above. What i am trying to do is with my logo at the bottom there is a rounded of area where i would like to place my navbar, but i think the issue is because the navbar has links inside when i try your code all the links move down away from the navbar but the logo...
  5. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    Hi Tracy. I thought i put a link to the site when i did the trhead, i am sorry i forgot to do it, old age catching with me i am almost 62 y/o and it's getting harder to remember things, so my appoligies. Here is the link below.
  6. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    Hi Tracy. Can you PM me to discuss this in more detail?
  7. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    Hi bzcomputers it worked thank you very much, just one question how can i make the logo higher i need it to level up with the navbar.
  8. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 make logo wider

    Hi, i was hoping someone maybe able to help me to make my logo wider so it touches the dark edge as per the attachment. I am running Xenforo 2.2.10 and using a fully and completed re-designed theme that i fully own, so if it possible to make the logo wider then please help me with this issue...
  9. UGTeam

    Starting a community forum to help everyone.

    ozzy i don't need to see the copyright, but if you want to see it here it is: Community platform by XenForo® © 2010-2021 XenForo Ltd. | Style and add-ons by ThemeHouse
  10. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 can this be customized?

    I have used visual studio code and this is the only closest code to yours in: node_list_search_forum <xf:if is="!property('uix_hideNodeStats')"> <div class="node-meta"> <div class="node-statsMeta"> <dl class="pairs...
  11. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 can this be customized?

    This is the: node_list_search_forum <xf:macro name="depth1" arg-node="!" arg-extras="!" arg-children="!" arg-childExtras="!" arg-depth="1"> <div class="block"> <div class="block-container"> <div class="block-body"> <xf:macro...
  12. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 can this be customized?

    Hi BassMan. Thank you for the info but i am not sure if it matches with mine, i have too much extra info added to mine i will add the code here so you can see it and maybe show me what to change and where? <xf:macro name="depth1" arg-node="!" arg-extras="!" arg-children="!" arg-childExtras="!"...
  13. UGTeam

    XF 2.2 can this be customized?

    Hi everyone below i have a photo of the Xenforo original layout so i can show you what i need customised in the 2nd photo as i am trying to re build Katz WJunctions theme with keeping the integrity of the site because it was last used 11 years ago with vBulletin 3.8.6, here i run the theme on vB...
  14. UGTeam

    I want to start a new General Discussion forum

    Hi Ashley. I am doing the same thing but my forum is to become Webmasters and community forum, i am looking for someone to join me, come look at my site and PM me if your interested in the site. WJunctions
  15. UGTeam

    I want to start a new community forum

    Hi Deathstarr. I was a webmaster on the biggest forum of all time and that was wjunction, and i have had a lot of people asking why did Katz WJunction change to blogs and took away the best ever theme design for admins forum but i still got the vb theme live for now here at that...
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