Recent content by trigon

  1. trigon

    My try

    Problem solved, it was like in the Ticket mentioned, an firewall issue from my Host. Thank to all for their help.
  2. trigon

    My try

    Done, i wrote a support ticket.
  3. trigon

    My try

    i made a new language file (english) now, but it ssems that the error is still there. @SchmitzIT:
  4. trigon

    My try

    uploaded the whole package, started the update, but the same error. Do i need to write a Support Ticket?
  5. trigon

    My try

    I'll try and report tonight.
  6. trigon

    My try

    See my comments in red Is the rest of your installation working? YES What about the front end, making posts, etc? Testmessage works well, if i use "Member" in the forum, this message comes too, if i use the scrolldown to "registered users" this doesn't work, same message, BUT on "current users"...
  7. trigon

    My try

    This is my first XF installation, and i have only installed the forum without nay migration. The only modification i do, is to change the language. If i try to access the "user" register in the acp, i'll always got this error: Any solution for this?
  8. trigon

    Is it possible to password a forum?

    Wil it be in the future, is it planned for a later day?
  9. trigon

    An enterprise translator

    Maybe they do, but is there a official post about this item?
  10. trigon

    Import Data - Can`t select any system

    np, time will come, that we need also help :)
  11. trigon

    Import Data - Can`t select any system

    maybe you misunderstood me, try to UPLOAD (FTP) all the files again, sometimes that can be a solution. otherwise check if the chmod's are correct.
  12. trigon

    Import Data - Can`t select any system

    d you tried to upload the XF Files again?
  13. trigon

    [BETA] Import from vB 3.8.6: When importing Users ERROR "A server error occurred. Please try..later"

    I have the same problem, this is the output: Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\xFDh\xFDoh\xFD...' for column 'account_name' at row 1
  14. trigon

    Proud owner of XF

    i'm not in the top 10 i suggess, but i also a proud owner of a XF licence NOW :D
  15. trigon

    XenForo Overview

    yeah i like it too, looks pretty good.;)
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