Recent content by Translations Cloud

  1. Translations Cloud

    Beta testers for a XenForo plugin

    Hello well of course beta testing is different than really using it :) but if you are interested, leave me a Pm And I will provide you the infos.. I think it is not allowed to provide links here
  2. Translations Cloud

    Beta testers for a XenForo plugin

    We are ready, we just need your help (y) anyone is interested? :whistle:
  3. Translations Cloud

    Beta testers for a XenForo plugin

    Hello, my name is Niko, nice to meet this amazing community. ;) I am currently working on a plugin for XenForo Forums that will allow members & Administrators to post multi-lingual topics. but what is a multi-lingual topic ? A multi-lingual topic is a special topic that changes its content...
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