Recent content by Torque

  1. Torque

    XF 2.2 XenForo Forum Style for Amiga Browsers

    Well then you are cordially invited by me to register with us. I would be very happy!
  2. Torque

    XF 2.2 XenForo Forum Style for Amiga Browsers

    Honest !? This is the first time I hear that. I'm doing fine. And none of my members have told me about it yet. hmmmm...
  3. Torque

    XF 2.2 XenForo Forum Style for Amiga Browsers

    Okay, i have checked it. JavaScript is enabled in that browser. But i think all 3 Amiga Browsers have problems with SSL or so. The Amiga users are much. I dont know how much. But its a niche in Internet. Thank you all for your messages!
  4. Torque

    XF 2.2 XenForo Forum Style for Amiga Browsers

    Good question. I think its not enabled. I will look if there is a option to turn it on
  5. Torque

    Style XenForo Forum Style Designer

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for an experienced web developer who knows how to create a XenForo Forum Style. I already have 5 different styles installed. But none of these styles display correctly on Amiga (computer) browsers. On the Amiga there are the following browsers on which I would like...
  6. Torque

    XF 2.2 XenForo Forum Style for Amiga Browsers

    Hello Community! I have a question. Can anyone help me to get a XenForo Style which is very simple designed? My Forum: has now 5 different Styles. See here: The board runs perfect on Windows Browsers. But i will that it works on Amiga Browsers like "iBrowse", "NetSurf" and...
  7. Torque

    XF 2.2 Title of the Guest message

    Hello xenForo Community, i will change the title of my Guest Message on my xenForo Forum. The title is german and called "Willkommen auf" The message below i can change in the settings. But i can't find the settings option to change the title. Maybe anyone of you can help me...
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