Recent content by todobetas

  1. todobetas

    Integration with ChatGPT API

    Interesting as a tool to support some one who do not get answer, or to help on forum. I like the idea!
  2. todobetas

    XF 2.1 Set a minimum number of posts to let post in a section

    Yes, .... But does that warn the user that he needs X numbers of messages to be able to enter and use the section?
  3. todobetas

    Minimum Posts

    @AndyB , I will pay for that
  4. todobetas

    XF 1.5 Increasing Default Zoom

    I'm looking for the same feature. Does any one can help to provide the css code to zoom it 110% by defaul? Thanks
  5. todobetas

    XF 2.0 XenForo 2.0.9 - Permission error?

    It doesnt work for me, I habe PHP 7.4 Is there a way to fix it from the ftp?
  6. todobetas

    XF 2.1 How to Disabling an add-on

    I know how to use Putty, I know what command line in linux and Putty is, but i dont know if xenforo have it own command line. Many software or games or interfaces have a command line, that is why I hace a mess if people just say " command line ".
  7. todobetas

    XF 2.1 How to Disabling an add-on

    Where would I find that command line? Thanks
  8. todobetas

    XF 2.0 Disable links for new users then allow

    I also need an addon for disallow link for certain users (mainly spamers who are farming back links)
  9. todobetas

    Migration to new server - problem with PHP 7

    Where is that option? Thanks
  10. todobetas

    [TH] Fake Users [Deleted]

    I will pay for it, I need the 2.x version
  11. todobetas

    XF 1.5 Increase number of New Posts in sidebar

    I have the same problem, I did not find it...
  12. todobetas

    XF 2.0 Ads under first post only

    Ok I find the problem, I work with 2 admin accounts, one have not all permisions, so is that. My bad, sorry for take a bit of your time and thanks for show me where is it ;)
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