Recent content by thaisnack

  1. thaisnack

    Swedish translation for xenForo 2

    Sorry but that was the admin before me that made the translation.
  2. thaisnack

    XF 2.2 Is anyone else missing attachments in posts?

    Yes, okay I understand. Quite a comprehensive work. Can I search for the image filenames in the attechements catalog after switching to .jpg instead of .data? Searching for images by looking at them will be to much I think. From post #8 example. Missing image in link is...
  3. thaisnack

    XF 2.2 Is anyone else missing attachments in posts?

    Is it possible to relink images? I found the images in "public_html/internal_data/attachments" but they are named .data. If I change to .jpg I can see the image. I reccon the link is made in the database? Can anyone explain to me how they are linked togeheter, please. This post was made in 7th...
  4. thaisnack

    XF 2.2 Is anyone else missing attachments in posts?

    We are missing a lot of attachements on our site.
  5. thaisnack

    XF 2.2 Create new thread and new conversations only links to Google

    No outdated templates. I created a new style and called it Standard, ticked the circle but the problem did not resolve. I downloaded and imported Default Blue 2.2 style but everything looks the same. Do I active the style the wrong way? Our site is in swedish sorry about that.
  6. thaisnack

    XF 2.2 Create new thread and new conversations only links to Google

    Add-Ons are updated but for styles I dont know. How do I update styles?
  7. thaisnack

    XF 2.2 Create new thread and new conversations only links to Google

    After upgrade (automatic) 2.1.11 -> 2.1.12 -> 2.2.2 we cannot start new threads and coversations. When you try to click the subject for example you end up at this address ""
  8. thaisnack

    XF 2.0 XenForo XML language file specifications

    No one knows/cares really?
  9. thaisnack

    XF 2.0 XenForo XML language file specifications

    The XenForo language importer imports a phrase not limitied to what's inside the CDATA Section. It seems to import everything within the phrase tag, that is, also outside the CDATA Section. For example, the following phrase tag <phrase title="you_have_been_banned_for_following_reason_x"...
  10. thaisnack

    XF 2.0 Force English language in Admin section

    Is there a way to force English language only in Admin section in XF 2.0?
  11. thaisnack

    Swedish translation for xenForo 2

    thaisnack submitted a new resource: Swedish translation for xenForo 2 - Swedish translation for xenForo 2 (Work in progress) Read more about this resource...
  12. thaisnack

    Unmaintained Swedish translation for xenForo 2 2.0

    This is a Swedish translation project for xenForo 2. It's a full xenForo translation (including the admin area) originally based on machine translation. After that we are reviewing all phrases manually. We are looking for people interested to contribute to the translation. More information (in...
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