Recent content by teenspirits

  1. teenspirits

    Ban countries from registering [Deleted]

    Whereabouts do I upload this to my server ?
  2. teenspirits

    XF 1.2 Guests showing registering but nothing happens

    Oh right, thank you for that info I shall change my settings back to verification email now I think
  3. teenspirits

    XF 1.2 Guests showing registering but nothing happens

    Thank you - just noticed it lists the IP addresses above so looked a few up and their all the States, one even says; Services:Recently reported forum spam source. Odd that they don't show as Robots Just disappointed that from all the traffic I don't get hardly one a day registering successfully :(
  4. teenspirits

    XF 1.2 Guests showing registering but nothing happens

    Example from earlier; Robot: Facebook Viewing thread I need a girlfriend - dating websites ? 44 minutes ago Guest Registering 44 minutes ago Guest Registering 44 minutes ago Robot: Facebook Viewing thread Foodswitch free app 44 minutes ago...
  5. teenspirits
  6. teenspirits

    XF 1.2 Guests showing registering but nothing happens

    Yes, we've set up a few accounts and manually approved and friends have too without any issues. The traffic is massive and it still keeps showing on Current Visitors many of these; Guest Registering 40 minutes ago But still no new users. All all Robots listed as Robots or is it that there are...
  7. teenspirits

    XF 1.2 Guests showing registering but nothing happens

    Why does it show 'Guests' as registering, but I don't have any new members ?? It shows 'Robots' registering and obviously they can't, but I can't understand why I have lots of 'Guests' registering now but nothing, even my 'awaiting approval' page is blank
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