Recent content by Stepel

  1. Stepel

    Edit a post in a form without AddReply option

    Hi, please can you tell me if you have any problem with editing post in forum where Add Reply option is disabled? I see that when I press "Edit" dialog doesn't open, after second press dialog is showed but it looks like editor would be loaded two times. Can you check it ?
  2. Stepel

    Last post after changing message/discussion_state

    As I said, I extended XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage_Post protected function _messagePostSave() { parent::_messagePostSave(); if ($this->isChanged('message')){ if (isset($GLOBALS['peb_set_thread_moderated_kk']) && $GLOBALS['peb_set_thread_moderated_kk']) { $dw =...
  3. Stepel

    Last post after changing message/discussion_state

    Any idea ? I don't understand why it doesn't work. I tried in _postSaveAfterTransaction too but it doesn;t work. Maybe I shouldn't do in DataWritter_DiscussionMessage_Post ?
  4. Stepel

    Last post after changing message/discussion_state

    it doesn't work when i want to do it from _messagePostSave() becaue I check if it is firstPost in Thread and if yes then i do $dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion_Thread',XenForo_DataWriter::ERROR_SILENT); $dw->setExistingData($thread_id)...
  5. Stepel

    Last post after changing message/discussion_state

    Hi, I check few things in DataWriter_DiscussonMessage_Post and I set 'moderated' state if something is wrong. I see that even post/thread is set to 'moderated' by changing state in DataWritter methods (example preSave()) the post/thread is visible as "Latest post" in forum list. Please tell me...
  6. Stepel

    User list with IP

    I have sth like that: public function MyFunc(array $conditions, array $fetchOptions = array()) { $whereClause = $this->prepareUserConditions($conditions, $fetchOptions); $this->addFetchOptionJoin($fetchOptions, self::FETCH_LAST_ACTIVITY); $orderClause =...
  7. Stepel

    User list with IP

    Hi , what is the best way to get user list with their last IP ? When i use self::FETCH_LAST_ACTIVITY and typical query from User Model return $this->fetchAllKeyed($this->limitQueryResults( ' SELECT user.* ' . $joinOptions['selectFields'] . '...
  8. Stepel

    Custom Router problem

    Thanks for answer. My code works the same like XenForo_Route_Filter. The most important method there is "match". this is my method: public function match($routePath, Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request, XenForo_Router $router) { $routePath =...
  9. Stepel

    Custom Router problem

    Hi, I've created my own router based on XenForo_Route_Interface. In 'match' method I analyse $request->getRequestUri() and after finding some patterns I return $newRoutePath. (I am trying to translate old links (from old forum based on vB) to XF links) Morover I extended XenForo_Router. In...
  10. Stepel

    Permissions problem

    Ok I solved it... :) I tried to get permission cache from "node" which type is CATEGORY When I changed node_id to one of subforum of this "node" it works OK.
  11. Stepel

    Permissions problem

    Hmm I deleted record from xf_permission_cache_content for specific content_id and permission_combination_id and I saved permission for node again. Record has beed added but still "empty". Why ?
  12. Stepel

    Permissions problem

    Can anyone say me what will happen if I use "Rebulid Master Data" from "install/update" page?
  13. Stepel

    Permissions problem

    How can I get permissions for specific user (not visitor) and node ? I can't find function which returns this information. Maybe i should use my own query..
  14. Stepel

    Permissions problem

    Hmm when is the permission cache saved in database?
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