Recent content by soaringdylan

  1. soaringdylan

    [TH] Force Style Plus [Deleted]

    @ThemeHouse Would this allow us to force a style on a XenPorta 2 news homepage?
  2. soaringdylan

    XF 2.1 Creating Custom Style Properties

    Ah, I see! Thanks. Will try that one out :)
  3. soaringdylan

    XF 2.1 Creating Custom Style Properties

    I've been looking around for a few days now, and I must just be blind! But I can't seem to find a thread, resource or entry in the manual explaining how to setup custom style properties in Xenforo 2.1 A few of our art staff members who are less tech savvy don't want to touch templates, however...
  4. soaringdylan

    XF 1.5 Inline Moderation - Move Threads shows all destination forums, not just those accessible.

    Hello there! We've had this issue on our forums for a long time now, but whenever you move a thread using the inline moderation tool, no matter what your power is, a forum mod, an admin, etc. You are able to move the thread to any forum. Including those that have been archived and long...
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