Recent content by Smite

  1. Smite

    sonnb - Smiles bulk importer

    Still works on 1.4 :cool:(y)
  2. Smite

    XenForo Server Setup Guide Part 2 (CentOS, OpenLiteSpeed, Percona) (With Pictures!)

    If you install just percona, for some reason it doesn't come with my.cnf this wasn't mentioned in the guide however after some googling i figured this out.
  3. Smite

    Post Content Find / Replace

    Hello, Recently i merged a board that i co own with a friend of mine. It was a old sharing site, and he has things wrapped in hide and code tags with urls and he wants to remove that completely. [hide ][code ]url[ /code][ /hide] Is it possible to do this with this addon and if so how?
  4. Smite

    [TH] Forum List Tabs [Deleted]

    How would one bust the tabs out of the container? What i'm asking is, i would love to have the tabs as buttons and show the CategoryStrip, instead of removing it and grouping it like it does. Is this possible? If so, how?
  5. Smite

    [TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

    Getting the same issue, anyone know why?
  6. Smite

    Dreamweaver XenForo Template Syntax Highlighting Configuration

    I am also interested in a Notepad++ syntax highlight as well. @Kier thanks for the dreamweaver one, extremely helpful! :)
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