Recent content by Shruti

  1. S

    Comment by 'Shruti' in media 'Change 1'

    Yes. Mike - Its working perfectly now. We are still working on our error. Once done i would let you know the same. Thanks Mike for all your work :)
  2. S

    Add-on Button "Post-New-Thread" at Homepage

    Yes this is exactly what I need. Can you help me to fix this?
  3. S

    Want to add "create thread' button on forum page

    Thanks erich for prompt response. I have screenshots ready of what i need and uploaded the same. Please click the link below and Let me know your thoughts.
  4. Change 3

    Change 3

  5. Change 2

    Change 2

  6. Change 1

    Change 1

  7. changes


    changes needed on site
  8. S

    Want to add "create thread' button on forum page

    Hi all - I am looking for someone who can add buttons as mentioned below to main forum and thread page 1) "Post Reply" on top right side of a thread (users who aren't registered when clicks this, it should take them to Sign up pop up saying that "you need to sign up to reply to the thread"...
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