Recent content by Shadab

  1. Shadab

    Template and code. how do I do it?

    You can offload all your code to a cron entry; and run it at an interval of, say 5 minutes, or even more if the result of your processing doesn't change often. In your cron entry, save the result in xenforo's simple cache: XenForo_Application::setSimpleCacheData('your_cache_key'...
  2. Shadab

    Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

    Thread urls can still be redirected. So no, you're not completely out of luck.
  3. Shadab

    [Library] Set your own Route/Controller as Homepage

    Removing the event listener (attached to init_dependencies) should disable it. That's all.
  4. Shadab

    Browser issue  Bug ? The uploaded file is empty ?

    Had the same problem in Chrome 9 when it was in Beta. But I have had no issues with the uploader in Chrome 10 (10.0.648.133), yet.
  5. Shadab

    Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

    No. Like I said, as long as thread urls are redirected, there's no reason to worry. In fact, there are 2 presets (#001 and #003) for which 'forum' url redirects cannot be generated. And unfortunately, the #001 preset is set to default when you install vbseo. Or at least that was the case when I...
  6. Shadab

    Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

    Well, it looks like there's a problem redirecting from showthread.php?t=old-id to the new thread urls. Could you check your database and see if "xf_import_log" table is not empty? Given your board statistics, there should be around 500K records in that table.
  7. Shadab

    Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

    Can you post the entire contents of your .htaccess file? Your individual 'forum' urls in vbseo didn't include any IDs, so it's not possible to redirect them with a simple redirect. If you really want to, you have to manually set up redirects for individual forums and sub-forums; but it's not...
  8. Shadab

    Using xenforo permission outside of xenforo?

    Sure. Play with it. :) If it breaks, create a separate thread.
  9. Shadab

    Template and code. how do I do it?

    Well, one quick way is to create an event listener for the "front_controller_pre_view" event. If you expect the end-user to place the include tag in a 'container' template, modify the "$containerParams" variable. Otherwise, if you expect the tag to be placed in a 'content' template, modify the...
  10. Shadab

    Using xenforo permission outside of xenforo?

    After you initialize the XF application in your custom script, you'll have to render this user bar template and echo the output. Additionally, you need to make sure that the related css templates and js files are loaded (for the styling and that dropdown menu to work). See this thread...
  11. Shadab

    Template and code. how do I do it?

    Depends on where you would be displaying your rendered template. I take it you are using a template hook to add your contents to a sidebar?
  12. Shadab

    Template and code. how do I do it?

    Nope. Templates are dumb. They don't know (and don't care) anything about fetching data; which is why you need to explicitly fetch all the data that a template needs, before rendering it.
  13. Shadab

    Create Categories, Forums and set Permissions

    Use the permission model: XenForo_Model_Permission. Setting node permissions for a usergroup: $permissionModel->updateContentPermissionsForUserCollection( $permissions, 'node', $nodeId, $userGroupId, 0 ); Setting node permissions for a single user...
  14. Shadab

    Using xenforo permission outside of xenforo?

    Yes. $visitor->get('username'); // $visitor->username, and // $visitor['username'] will work too
  15. Shadab

    Get HTML output of template?

    Could you try this... Instead of rendering the template directly via renderView(), grab a template object from the view renderer using createTemplateObject(). Render the template manually; and then pass the rendered contents + the template object to replaceRequiredExternalPlaceholders()...
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