Recent content by RyderForNow

  1. RyderForNow

    CloudFlare Page rules for XenForo 2.2.0

    Hey all, I've upgraded to XF 2.2 today and - while I'm not sure if its the direct cause - my website stopped working when I use CloudFlare's Proxying (Orange Cloud). No proxying works just fine, though. So first, is this also happening to anybody else? And second, if not, could anybody share...
  2. RyderForNow

    XF 2.1 [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: active Error

    Update: [TH] Reactions was just disabled. Uninstalling it did the trick. Still missing the Content --> Reactions page though.
  3. RyderForNow

    XF 2.1 [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: active Error

    /admin.php?reactions returns a 404 (did that i tried for a day or two maybe mess with it? it's uninstalled now, so it should really be back as it was, right?). Or did you mean "Smilies"? EDIT: Just as a side-note, reactions don't...
  4. RyderForNow

    XF 2.1 [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: active Error

    Hey everyone! My SQL Database has been spammed with errors recently. I have absolutely no clue how to fix it and need some help ASAP (I already got an email from my hosting company because the database used up too much bandwidth and space). The error log is: #0 src/XF/App.php(1885)...
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