Recent content by rizx

  1. rizx

    Style Designer Needed

    Hi all, I'm looking for a designer for changing my XenForo skin. Would like a modern design, mobile friendly. Thank you.
  2. rizx

    HTML BBCode (permission protected) [Deleted]

    Yes, I got it The CSS in that case isn't important, but keeping the format is. Thanks again.
  3. rizx

    HTML BBCode (permission protected) [Deleted]

    ..and this is exactly what I'm looking for. (on other board, for example ipb, if I cut/paste a table from a web page the format is kept) Thanks all for clarification.
  4. rizx

    HTML BBCode (permission protected) [Deleted]

    You mean the html source code? IF so, it's not what I want. I would like to import this table (see screenshot) with this format (so <td> and <tr>) into a post Thank you.
  5. rizx

    HTML BBCode (permission protected) [Deleted]

    I'm trying to go to the html page I want to copy, select all, CTRL+C / CTRL +V in post but I see in normal text. Am I missing something? Thank you.
  6. rizx

    HTML BBCode (permission protected) [Deleted]

    Hello, does this add-on works with xenforo 1.5.1? Seems not. Thank you.
  7. rizx

    XF 1.5 post as html

    Bought now. Thank you.
  8. rizx

    XF 1.5 post as html

    Could you please suggest ad add-on? Thank you
  9. rizx

    XF 1.5 post as html

    Hello, I would like to paste an html page into XenForo as post. I tried simply with CTRL+C / CTRL +V but it loose all formats (CSS, tables, etc. etc.) Is there a way to do that? Thank you!
  10. rizx

    XF 1.4 Send again activation e-mail

    oh :( Or maybe active them manually. Thank you. p.s. maybe if is not too much work you can implement this function (on admin side) for the next version of XenForo
  11. rizx

    XF 1.4 Send again activation e-mail

    Hello, I've configured an external smtp for sending out the activation mail. Unfortunately it was down and all e-mail sent are logged correctly in timeout from XenForo log. Is there a way to send again the e-mail to that users? Thank you.
  12. rizx

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from 1.4.4

    Thanks for the link Brogan
  13. rizx

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from 1.4.4

    Many thanks Chris. :-) I have another question for you, if possible. I'm using a style from a third party company and every time an update of Xenforo is installed I have to set re-configure everything manually. Is there a way to keep the style values saved somewhere and restoring if after...
  14. rizx

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from 1.4.4

    Hello, I would like to upgrade from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6 Can I do that directly or I need to upgrade from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5 and then from 1.4.5 to 1.4.6? Thanks!
  15. rizx

    XF 1.4 nginx upload attachments issue

    I tried again some minutes ago with a png and now it works perfectly, without changing nothing. Very weird..
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