Recent content by rebelde

  1. R

    backup of important directories in /data and /internal_data

    Interesting. I like the idea: CDN + backup that isn't too expensive. But one of the aspects of AWS S3 that I like is "versioning", where they keep old copies of the files. If someone were to delete the /internal_data directory on my server, S3 would not delete its copies. Does R2 offer a...
  2. R

    backup of important directories in /data and /internal_data

    Thanks for the responses! Right, backing up TO s3 from my server. OK, so add keys. Thanks. I can accept the critique, I think. How would you do it? My goal is to (incrementally) back up the files off the server somewhere in case of emergency. This method seems simple and effective.
  3. R

    backup of important directories in /data and /internal_data

    Just wanting to make sure that I don't exclude anything important... In the /data and internal_data, directories, I think I only need to back up: /data/avatars /data/profile_banners /internal_data/attachments Am I missing anything? The rest seems to be files, caches and thumbnails. Thanks...
  4. R

    Demo: allow installation of add-ons for registered members

    Good for you. Maybe you can use that extra time to learn some social skills.
  5. R

    Demo: allow installation of add-ons for registered members

    Could I? Yes, I could. It would take time to set up properly. The demo takes about 30 seconds to create. A copy on digitalocean or aws would probably take me a few hours. I could have sworn that I have installed plug-ins on demo instances in the past...
  6. R

    Demo: allow installation of add-ons for registered members

    I am trying to help troubleshoot an add-on that I use. Thought I would use a XF demo to test it on a clean installation, but was rejected. Of course, I don't have access to config.php to change enableAddOnArchiveInstaller. My suggestion, if it isn't too difficult: For email addresses that...
  7. R

    Auto Language [Deleted]

    Yes, it is installed and the langauge code is set correctly <html id="XF" lang="es". How are you able to test it on your site? If it works for you, but not for me, then there is a problem specific to my site. Thanks
  8. R

    Auto Language [Deleted]

    Thanks for the add-on! It doesn't seem to be working for me. Here is how I test: - In Chrome, set Preferred Languages to have Spanish on top. - In Chrome DevTools, it shows: accept-language: es - I open an incognito window (so I appear as a guest) and load my forums But I see the English...
  9. R

    Forum moderators [Paid]

    I have all of my moderators set up as supermoderators, so I want to exclude all supermoderators from the list. For anyone interested, this is how I did it: In src/addons/Andy/ForumModerators/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php Comment out the first line and add the second one: //$moderators =...
  10. R

    Lack of interest Allow use of IMAP folders for bounce and unsubscribe emails

    OK, I'm not sure where to post this, but here are my notes for a workaround. Basically, Google Workspace allows for routing emails to another mail provider. steps for bounce handler: create a Gmail/google account, or other free email address with IMAP in Gmail, create filter to not send...
  11. R

    Lack of interest easy DKIM setup

    6 implemented out of your last 20 is not bad! While here, thanks for all your help through the years. I see that I used your Sphinx search solution for VB back in 2013...
  12. R

    Lack of interest easy DKIM setup

    I might going to start submitting my XF suggestions to you instead from now on.
  13. R

    Lack of interest easy DKIM setup

    Ha! If only I had the skill and eloquence of @digitalpoint, Kier might have responded to me here like he did to digitalpoint's suggestion in February. Anyway, good to see this implemented. Cheers!
  14. R

    Lack of interest Allow use of IMAP folders for bounce and unsubscribe emails

    I suggest adding an IMAP "folder" config option for "bounces" and "unsubscribe" emails to reduce the number of email addresses that we need. Google is going to start charging many of us $12/month per "user" or email address. I want to get rid of these two:
  15. R

    PHP edits to allow use of IMAP folders

    Thanks. I might create a subdomain and use Zoho with it for these two addresses instead if I can't find someone for this job.
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