Recent content by Ozan Çorumlu

  1. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Caching Problems

    I understand. So, I want to use memcache. But I really have no idea to fill the fields in memcache code that given in Defining a Cache page on XenForo manual. Can you help me to include it to my website without any problems? @Mike
  2. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Caching Problems

    Greetings everyone. I have been using file cahing since I installed my XF forum. It was everything fine until a few days ago and my forum started to show this error: Zend_Cache_Exception: cache_dir is not writable - library/Zend/Cache.php:209 Then I set my cache directory to writable. My...
  3. Ozan Çorumlu

    Responsive Social Sharing Buttons (Lite)

    Hello @SimonV Using this add-on on my forum but I have two problems. First of, when I click Twitter button it opens two windows at the same time. Secondly, I'm using ThemesCorp's Slider responsive add-on. When I activate it, this add-on's responsiveness is going off. Can you help me to fix...
  4. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 What exactly gets imported from XenForo to XenForo

    So, can we report specific things? For example If I only want to export users, threads and posts? Is it possible? Or all things must be imported? @Brogan
  5. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 What exactly gets imported from XenForo to XenForo

    Hello everyone. I wonder, what type of things gets imported while importing from xenforo to xenforo?
  6. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Is it possible to clear styles via SQL query?

    Hello everyone. I have a question about deleting and clearing styles except the default one from site. When we create a new style it's ID become after the last one. For example if latest installed style's ID is 12, new style will be with the ID 13. So, is it possible to reset all style IDs...
  7. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Placing an image to ad_header that will only show on desktop and tablets

    In this guide there is a CSS code that depends on browser width: <xen:if is="@enableResponsive"> @media (max-width:800px) { .MyContent { color: red; } } @media (max-width:610px) { .MyContent { color: green; } } @media...
  8. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Placing an image to ad_header that will only show on desktop and tablets

    Hello everyone. I want to add an 728x90 ad code (not adsense, an image with link) to ad_header template. But I want it to be shown only on desktop and mobile. How can I do that? I dont have much coding experience. Afaik @Brogan 's responsive adsense code works for this but I dont know how to...
  9. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Placing ad on "resource page" but hide it on it's thread

    I added ad code to the resource_view_header. Just above of <xen:hook name="resource_view_header_after_info" /> code. When I include ad code between these code, it hides that ad on both resource and resource thread pages.
  10. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Placing ad on "resource page" but hide it on it's thread

    Up. No one ever met with this problem? It's really annoying problem and even developers dont answer on it...
  11. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Placing ad on "resource page" but hide it on it's thread

    Greetings everyone. I'm working on my forum almost for one month. A few days ago I started placing ads and placed an ad on resource_view_header template just before <xen:hook name="resource_view_header_after_info" /> code. Problem is my "normal" (not the resources' one) threads already got 3...
  12. Ozan Çorumlu

    XF 1.5 Added new menu to navigation but can't add sub-menu

    Hello everyone. I managed to add a new menu tab to navigation using navigation template. The code that I use is: <li class="navTab PopupClosed navLink">MENU NAME</li> So, I want to add a few sub menus to it. Which and what code that I should use?
  13. Ozan Çorumlu


    Hello @Mike Creuzer Today, I upgraded my UI.X Add-on. I want to upgrade my UI.X style too. But there is no "Upgrade" button in UI.X Add-on. There is only "Install". But if I click it, it'll install a fresh one UI.X. Am I wrong? How can I upgrade my UI.X style to Btw, how can I upgrade...
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