Recent content by Nebulon Ranger

  1. Nebulon Ranger

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Well, looks like this finally broke, at least for me, in 1.5.15a. It's been a good run. E: Realised I was not on the GitHub version, trying this now. ;)
  2. Nebulon Ranger

    Have ads ruined the internet?

    If a site has a reasonably-priced ad-free subscription, I go for that. Otherwise, ads get blocked.
  3. Nebulon Ranger

    how is XF doing in term of customers compared to other platforms?

    Even crazier is that there's still a tiny fraction of people on XF 1.0:
  4. Nebulon Ranger

    Quick look at UI.X 2

    Holy bejeezus, Mike. This looks stellar.
  5. Nebulon Ranger

    CloudFlare Security Incident - Memory Leak
  6. Nebulon Ranger

    Anyone use unreal 4 for game design

    UE4 is pretty incredible. I don't know how the wizards at Epic Games did it, but the Unreal Tournament pre-alpha, which runs on the latest version of the engine, can run at medium / high settings on my low-end i3 laptop. That's some pretty hardcore optimisation.
  7. Nebulon Ranger

    [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Display Node Tree -> [Node Name] -> Discord Options
  8. Nebulon Ranger

    [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    No worries, I got it! :) Now if only Firefox wasn't a mess of spaghetti code that melts whenever you have more than a few tabs open...
  9. Nebulon Ranger

    [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Might be missing something, but the bot is set to always be invisible. This I know is probably by design, but I'd like to know if it's possible to have the bot display as online on Discord.
  10. Nebulon Ranger

    ZEJ Roleplaying

    I guess it's high time I post my board here given our theme is 99% complete. We've been around a while--since 2011, initially running on MyBB, but we switched to XenForo this month. The board is named for the three founders--Zantok, Eebit and Jonno. Have a gander and critique the work of...
  11. Nebulon Ranger

    XF 1.5 [MyBB -> XenForo] Avatars not imported

    Try using a relative path. I was importing my avatars from a forum in the root folder so I had to use ../uploads to get them to import properly.
  12. Nebulon Ranger

    Here's a screen grab of what I've done with UI.X. Members wanted gradient bars so I gave them gradient bars. :P
  13. Nebulon Ranger

    XF 1.5 Alias a BBCode parameter

    Ended up solving this on my own with a templated BBCode added through BBCodes and buttons Manager. It's not a direct override of the size code, but it works.
  14. Nebulon Ranger

    XF 1.5 Alias a BBCode parameter

    Both. Converted posts no longer work correctly, and using the old parameters doesn't work.
  15. Nebulon Ranger

    Mike! I remember Audentio from way back in the MyBB 1.2/1.4/1.6 days! I moved my old MyBB board to XF recently and bought UI.X Dark to adapt for my needs. Probably some of the best $30 I've spent.
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