Recent content by Mystinen Metsätyömies

  1. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Hi, @truonglv , we will soon upgrade our XenForo to version 2.2.2. I just wanted to check if the latest Image Optimizer is compatible with it? Thanks beforehand for your reply!
  2. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    [AddonsLab] Navigation Badge

    Same question as @zonzon asked month ago: Hi, @AddonsLab , does this add-on work with XenForo 2.2? Only XF 2.1 is confirmed. Thanks beforehand for your answer!
  3. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Mobile Suite for XenForo [Deleted]

    I installed this app. However, I found it is not ready yet for production use. The main shortcomings are: 1) It cannot be translated properly. The text and buttons for the main dialog, which asks whether the user wants to accept push notifications or not, can't be translated. There are no...
  4. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Unfortunately I have to warn you buying this resource at the moment. :unsure: I purchased a license Nov 4, 2017 12:47:47 PDT, but I haven't receive anything yet. Just the receipt from PayPal, nothing else. A ear-deafening radio silence. Fortunately this wasn't my first license so I already had...
  5. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Fixed Importing from SMF => preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '#' found

    I tried to import a SMF 2.0.13 forum to latest version of XenForo. I got this error message and the import ended. Any suggestions what to do next?
  6. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Other Buttons "ad" for Siropu ad Manager

    I solved this a rough way (with images as links) so this request ain't valid any more.
  7. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Other Buttons "ad" for Siropu ad Manager

    I have tried to make a two-button "advertisement" to be displayed with Siropu ad Manager. However, with my limited abilities I don't know how to code it so that it wouldn't interfere the appearance of the forum outside the actual "ad". The Font Awesome part seems to be causing something, which...
  8. Mystinen Metsätyömies - Server Configuration / Hosting / Support

    I think it's strange to ask that question here. o_O Matt has a good support forum for his clients.
  9. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    How to transfer Domain From Namecheap to Waxspace

    I strongly agree with this. I used to have all (domain, dns and hosting) at the host. Now I have all in different companies. This setup gives more freedom to handle changes.
  10. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Refresh New Posts [Deleted]

    After the permission settings this addon is just great! I use it with [TH] Join User Group so the users can switch it on/off when they want. Hooray!
  11. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    XF 1.5 Xenforo completely not working

    Dump the *******. It's toxic.
  12. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    XF 1.5 Google Adsense and normal ads banner

    I recommend Siropu's ad manager. It isn't free, but you will get you money back with improved ad strategy.
  13. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    XF 1.5 How do I find my FTP Credentials?

    You need to host your forum somewhere. GoDaddy or some other webhost will help you further. Be prepared to learn many new things.
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