Recent content by msolano

  1. msolano

    Vbulletin4 to XenForo - 8 years old community

    Well. My site is doing really well but I have a little problems with all the links to my own site. I know I have to rewrite them but I don't know how to do it. I posted this yesterday. If someone can give me some advice about it... :love:
  2. msolano

    Post Content Find / Replace

    Hello: I used this plugin to replace my youtube links and it worked very well. Thanks a lot for that. Now the next problem I have are the links broken of my own site. I had VbSeo in my old site, then they had the structure: <domain>/<foro>/<sub-forum>/<thread-id>-<thread-title><.html>...
  3. msolano

    XF 1.2 Post Sort Order

    Yeah, it's the list of threads list but he wants to order the posts list into the threads. I think it can't be done.
  4. msolano

    XF 1.2 Post Sort Order

    Thank you @Amaury
  5. msolano

    XF 1.2 Post Sort Order

    Hello. I know that I can define an order for my nodes (as administrator) But a user wants to order in ascending sort the posts into all the threads. I searched for the option but I can't find it. Can, as user, choose the order of posts into the threads or in the whole forum?
  6. msolano

    Resizing Signature Images / Having a Limit

    This saved my life. Some guys are abusing about the size of the signature images. If someone has another solution I'll appreciate the advice.
  7. msolano

    Vbulletin4 to XenForo - 8 years old community

    All the articles are into subforums because I used this importer to migrate the groups and articles. They need some work and they are into hidden subforums. The same happens with groups and albums. I installed this editor and these bbcodes to get a better format for my articles. I installed...
  8. msolano

    Node Stats in Sub Forum Menu

    Just to let you know that this: <i class="icon-comment icon-small"> doesn't exist into Font Awesome. You need to change it to : <i class="fa fa-comment fa-small">
  9. msolano

    Jaxel's Sub Forum Grid Listings...

    I fixed.. just deleting browser's cache :) weird
  10. msolano

    Jaxel's Sub Forum Grid Listings...

    I installed this and it worked... BUUUUT now the add-on Icon per Category isn't working Any idea, advice or help will be very very appreciated
  11. msolano

    Vbulletin4 to XenForo - 8 years old community

    You are wise: you need a backup schedule but more important: you need to test backups, know it works and how to fast restore them. After installing a lot of add-ons my site is working as I dreamed. Zero spam, Zero problems with add-ons (my vb4 experience was terrible: disabling add-ons all...
  12. msolano

    Who Has Visited In Last 24 Hours [Paid] [Deleted]

    Replaying myself: Yeah! I can delete that directory and everything is going to work as good as always.
  13. msolano

    Who Has Visited In Last 24 Hours [Paid] [Deleted]

    Should I delete the js/whohasvisited directory after upgrade to 1.3.7?
  14. msolano

    Traducción de XenForo a Español LAtino [Deleted]

    Me parece que yo había bajado la de la versión 1.2.3 de gratis. Ahora que veo que dice que vale 5 euros pues pensé que vale la pena retribuir el trabajo que se hace al traducir y lo iba a comprar pero al entrar al sitio para adquirirlo no me deja. De hecho veo que desde el jueves tiene cero...
  15. msolano

    Vbulletin4 to XenForo - 8 years old community

    Yeah guys. I'm doing my own backups and I payed for 4 backup slots in my provider (linode.. I hope not a problem saying the name) hehehehe :ROFLMAO: Everyday I check for updates of my O.S. and double check /tmp directories and I do 'find . -name *.php' in my 777 directories :) I run rkhunter...
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