Recent content by mr c

  1. M

    XF 2.0 not allow users to upload images until a certain post count

    Hello is it possible to set it so that users cannot upload images to your forum until they reach a certain post count ? I couldn't find anything on it Thanks in advance.
  2. M

    XF 2.1 insert image in each node

    Hello is it possible to insert images in to each separate node not as a background across the whole node but as a image Its not the node icons I want to change but insert a image after or below the text in each node and a different image for each node so I assume custom html in the node...
  3. M

    move from v bulletin

    yes we can but id rather not as that was why we moved to vbuletin for the automated subscription facility xenforo is far better so maybe at some stage this could be written in to it ? i wont be able to purchase for my client without it unfortunately which is a shame as it is far superior in my...
  4. M

    move from v bulletin

    Hi I run a Vbulletin forum were we have subscriptions(yearly) Can I move to a xenforo forum and retain current subscriptions and also let members pay for subscriptions after we become a xenforo forum
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