Recent content by MontyDog

  1. M

    XF 1.5 Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli_Exception: MySQL server has gone away

    My suggestion is this - it's most likely due to the MySQL database timing out (i.e. a transaction took longer than your current timeout). That it's only happened twice, days apart, probably means the current timeout is marginal, rather than 'wrong'. Suggest you try increasing MySQL...
  2. M

    XF 1.2 Fresh install v1.2.2 - Server Error (after config accepted)

    My fellow Admin did some digging - we have the (mis-)fortune to be using a server with cPanel/WHM and this problem is a 'known issue with EasyApache' apparently. See these links for more details:
  3. M

    XF 1.2 Fresh install v1.2.2 - Server Error (after config accepted)

    OK, as above the Apache log has no errors for the (attempted but failed) XenForo installation(s). A search of the XenForo manual uncovers no mentions I can find of a log file - am I missing the point of your question? The only error I can see is the one in the screen grab, ie: Where else...
  4. M

    XF 1.2 Fresh install v1.2.2 - Server Error (after config accepted)

    You say 'the log' as if there is but one log file, are we talking about the Apache web server log or is there a XenForo log file I've yet to find? By the way, thanks for removing the inadvertent password - grabbed the wrong screen shot. Thanks anyway :) ETA: Apache log is clean (no errors for...
  5. M

    XF 1.2 Fresh install v1.2.2 - Server Error (after config accepted)

    Hello, I've installed XenForo on a test server successfully, but today was attempting a fresh, clean, install of XenForo v1.2.2 on the real server, with a brand new, empty, database - and after the config.php settings have been accepted, the installation fails with a 'Server Error' reported...
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