Recent content by Minecraftly

  1. Minecraftly


    How do I remove the up down arrow on the bottom right of the forum?
  2. Minecraftly

    Need somebody to convert from Xenforo to phpBB

    Hi, I'd like to convert from Xenforo to phpBB to test something. Are any of you guys up for it?
  3. Minecraftly

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Looks like the author of this add-on abandoned his customers..
  4. Minecraftly

    XF 1.5 DELAYED option not supported for table 'xf_thread_view'

    I recently migrated my database from MariaDB10 to AWS Aurora and encountered this problem. Can you guys help me fix it? Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: DELAYED option not supported for table 'xf_thread_view' - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77 Generated By...
  5. Minecraftly

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    I got this error while trying to install: Server Error file_put_contents(): Exclusive locks may only be set for regular files XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() file_put_contents() in Dark/TaigaChat/Model/TaigaChat.php at line 138 Dark_TaigaChat_Model_TaigaChat->regeneratePublicHtml() in...
  6. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

  7. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    I changed my main domain from to, however the link to Vaultwiki is still at, causing redirect loop. Can you please help?
  8. Minecraftly


    No I haven't.
  9. Minecraftly


    There are a few bugs with style properties that I'd like to report: Global Settings -> Disabling "Remove Title on Home Page" will disable all the contents of the home page, not just title. Breadcrumb: Removing "Breadcrumb on Index" will remove breadcrumb on all pages and forum lists Enabling...
  10. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    I encountered this error today, can you help me make sense of it? ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - vault/core/view/ui/special/changes/recentchanges/vw.php:65 Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 12:15 PM Stack Trace #0...
  11. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    Thanks, I'm able to create Area and click to it now. By the way, what is the "System" area? If I change the name to something related to my forum, does that break things?
  12. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    When I click Wiki Pages, it brought me back to the index page. Weird.
  13. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    I only see this though: I put myself in the admin group (I'm also a super admin), which is given all permissions.
  14. Minecraftly


    How do I remove this up down arrow on my forum?
  15. Minecraftly

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    I'm struggling at a basic stage of creating a new page, can you help? I couldn't find it.
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