Recent content by MauraLBU

  1. MauraLBU

    XF 2.2 How can I merge two categories?

    I tried this and I stumbled upon the following error: Oops! We ran into some problems. No items matched your filter. I put a new title, tag, chose the Thread type, Forum (Include selected) - I includd two categories; Thread creator in user groups: Administrative, Registered and Moderating...
  2. MauraLBU

    XF 2.2 How can I merge two categories?

    Hello there! :) I wish to merge two (or more) forum categories (forum nodes) into one, and move all the content into that category as well. Is this possible? If it is, how can I do that? :) I currently only know how to manually move a post into a new category and I will have to move a few...
  3. MauraLBU

    Technical Question

    Hello, I have a few technical issues on The admin of the website e-mailed me today that I am validated to request support. Where is the bets section where I can do this? :)
  4. MauraLBU

    Technical Question

    Hello! I am the Community Manager of a website which uses your software. I am also one of the admins of the website. I have recently stumbled upon a technical question: How do I lock a category from posting and make it allow just viewing? We have run a forum contest and once the contest is done...
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