alex.tsakiris Feb 21, 2014 Hi Matt... you suggested I might contact you re my server management problems ( any suggestions would be appreciated? Alex (sorry to post to your page, but didn't see a way to start a private conversation)
Hi Matt... you suggested I might contact you re my server management problems ( any suggestions would be appreciated? Alex (sorry to post to your page, but didn't see a way to start a private conversation)
D D Dad. Jan 28, 2014 She's beautiful Matt And hope your upgrade process is going smoothly. Let me know if you get stuck on anything or have questions.
She's beautiful Matt And hope your upgrade process is going smoothly. Let me know if you get stuck on anything or have questions.
Amaury Dec 31, 2013 Edited this in case you didn't see:
Edited this in case you didn't see:
Amaury Dec 10, 2013 How are things going with your child so far? Were they born nice and healthy? =) And I second Paul. Good luck, man!
How are things going with your child so far? Were they born nice and healthy? =) And I second Paul. Good luck, man!
Amaury Oct 13, 2013 Since you like to be professional and because I like to picky: "I work shifts, so I'm usually available to do work at a time to suit your sites needs." Should be "site's." =P
Since you like to be professional and because I like to picky: "I work shifts, so I'm usually available to do work at a time to suit your sites needs." Should be "site's." =P
Paul B Aug 10, 2013 19:52 I had loads left too - going to start increasing speed and sprinting sooner next time. Next target is 19:45.
19:52 I had loads left too - going to start increasing speed and sprinting sooner next time. Next target is 19:45.
Paul B Jul 27, 2013 Just to let you know Matt, the sub forum icons are cut off at the top on your site:
Just to let you know Matt, the sub forum icons are cut off at the top on your site: