Recent content by MarkMark

  1. M

    XF 1.5 Searching forum from search form hosted outside install?

    Sadly the Get method doesn't resolve the issue. Hmm... shame.
  2. M

    XF 1.5 Searching forum from search form hosted outside install?

    I'd like to put a search form on my main page, which is hosted outside the XF dir. From the looks of things, the search functionality makes use of a token, so external calls result in a security error. Is there any easy way around this?
  3. M

    XF 1.5 Where is the "x posted a new thread" phrase?

    I want to change this, but can't find it in the phrases database. Is it hard coded in? If so, which template do I need to modify? This phrasing is used in the latest activity stream.
  4. M

    XF 1.5 Too many connections?

    The other thing I've found with shared hosting is that MySQL connections are shared across all users. So if you are unlucky and have someone or some people abusing the server, you can end up with Max connection errors.
  5. M

    XF 1.5 Is it okay to upgrade like this?

    Sorry, to clarify - I created a copy of the server files and created a new MySQL database (which I imported the old database into). I had a complete working copy of my forum, which I then upgraded. This was all stored in Now this complete copy has been upgraded successfully...
  6. M

    XF 1.5 Is it okay to upgrade like this?

    I created a copy of my forum, including new MySQL database - a perfect copy. I then ran a test upgrade to the latest version of Xenforo which worked nicely. I was about to do the same on my live installation, when I though - why not just change the folder names so that the copy (which is now...
  7. M

    XF 1.4 Easiest way to create working copy of current install

    Might be a basic question, but what is the easiest way of creating a complete copy of your forum (and database) to test an upgrade on before you do it for real? Copying files is fairly straight forward, but what about making sure it links with the copied MySQL database?
  8. M

    XF 1.4 How can I extract certain information from the database?

    As part of the sign-up process, I ask users to briefly explain why they are joining. Is it possible through some sort of SQL Query to extract this and only this information from the database, in a format that would be relatively readable and not just some huge string of text? I'm broadly...
  9. M

    XF 1.4 How do I let an admin email users?

    I want to give an admin the ability to email users via the system. They can already approve new members, but I am unsure how I can give them email ability? I have looked through the permission options for them under edit administator, but I'm not sure which (if any) corrospond to the ability...
  10. M

    XF 1.3 Server error- email not sent

    Are the people experiencing this by any chance hosted by HostGator, or one of the companies that falls under the same brand? I had this issue a few months ago, and it was because HostGator changed their firewall settings, blocking use of external Smtp. I am currently getting the same timeout...
  11. M

    XF 1.4 Modifying the default RSS output

    Ahh, so besides messing around with core code, there's no way to prevent the addition of the final link except as detailed above?
  12. M

    XF 1.4 Modifying the default RSS output

    Sorry, no. I'm talking about the RSS feed that Xenforo outputs. As in, the feed I would see if I clicked on the little orange box in the bottom right hand corner of this page.
  13. M

    XF 1.4 Modifying the default RSS output

    Just the formatting. Specifically, the RSS stream includes in the content section a trailing link to the article, which is not needed as the title can act as the link. It looks messy and I want to remove it. But not sure where this is controlled from?
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