Recent content by madshark

  1. madshark

    Redirect entire forum while creating/having new content.

    I did go through the other threads covering url redirection but I'm a little confused so I need some help. I have a xenforo install on root at I want to basically use the main domain for another site and put the forum either on a subdomain or an entirely new url. The forum...
  2. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Ok clearly somethings up with my browser or custom styles then >< Will recheck. Sorry xfrocks :(
  3. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    The addon for mobile style detection is a separate plugin. And no the issues is with the desktop browsers :) It persists through all of them with wipe2 go installed on my side. Yup thats the plan. However I may have found another issue. XF Auto Save doesn't seem to be working either. I...
  4. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Strange indeed. Maybe its a mix between the mobile style detection + Wipe to go? Yes I was just going through the JS and noticed you built it using the default autocomplete . Maybe its not possible but what I meant was the delay in between typing more than two characters plus the prompting...
  5. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Cheers although it does not seem to work with the mobile style on android at least thus rendering it useless. I've gotten rid of it completely its more likely to conflict with other stuff as well given the case. Is there any way to tweak the JS to prompt usernames a little faster?
  6. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Found the culprit : Wipe To Go 1.1 conflicts.
  7. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Let me give it a go once the traffic dies down a little and if it still doesn't work. I will drop you a message. Sorry for the trouble :/
  8. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Tried everything I could think of. Re-uploaded reinstalled disabled a few other ajax plugins in case it was a conflict, still nothing reverted back to 1.1 for the moment as its high traffic time. I'm trying to think of anything else that might be conflicting at the moment. On Opera.
  9. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Ok I was fine on 1.1 but I just updated to 1.2.3 and it breaks all the ajax features of the site. Even the quick reply box disappeared. Disabling didn't fix it either I had to uninstall completely to resume normal functionality. Did I miss something?
  10. madshark

    Twitter Authentication

    Got an error : Could not retrieve a valid Token response from Token URL: Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob' /oauth/request_token? Any ideas? Thanks Update : Call back URL needs to be set. Then It Works.
  11. madshark

    Guest Post Viewing Limit [Deleted]

    Getting Fatal error: Method XenForo_BbCode_TextWrapper::__toString() must not throw an exception I dumped the LimitPostGuest folder to library. Was that the wrong location?
  12. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me

    I know its a little round the mulberry bush, but my users are a bit psychotic with their usernames and they also insist on the tagging thus I was wondering. You know how it works :) It would be cool if you'd consider :D Also if its an easy adaptation and you can nudge me in the right direction...
  13. madshark

    [bd] Tag Me

    How difficult would it be to have a custom user field saying nickname and have the tag pickup that so that tagging becomes slightly easier since we don't have an auto prompt option. i.e say username is SREG342 and he sets a nickname as mike. Now obviously Mike is much easier to type out than...
  14. madshark

    First Post on All Pages

    @mizter1nho thanks for the great mod and you should submit this to the Resource database it works fine with 1.1.2 and is a very very useful mod. As for... Its actually quite a simple implementation thanks to css3 Add the following to message.css of your style. Style as required. Fairly...
  15. madshark


    Would it be complicated to add the Share this bar to a Quotation display page?
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