Recent content by loulou

  1. loulou

    Spammers posting through existing accounts with no need to login?

    I've run it over 500k members without issue. I don't know what criteria is triggering that bug but I'm running latest XF version and not impacted.
  2. loulou

    Spammers posting through existing accounts with no need to login?

    But this is how a legitimate user login. I doubt they are using the login form.
  3. loulou

    Spammers posting through existing accounts with no need to login?

    Same thing here, mostly dormant but shared IP show also some moderators with 2FA enabled which is alarming ! Server log show some repetitive schema that spammers are using.
  4. loulou

    Not a bug User approval queue is empty

    Well, for some reason, the keys : KEY user_id_log_date (user_id,log_date), KEY ip_log_date (ip,log_date), KEY content_type_content_id (content_type,content_id) are not there ! So I've added them manually. Solved
  5. loulou

    Not a bug User approval queue is empty

    This appeared only after 2.2.10 upgrade. All other approval queue list (post, threads...) are working. Only new users list is empty. *Default master style. *$config['enableListeners'] = false; XF\Db\InvalidQueryException: Template public:approval_item_user error: MySQL statement prepare error...
  6. loulou

    Fixed Catastrophically poor performance when viewing "IP" dialog & in approval queue

    I suffer this issue since XF1.5 once my approval queue list hits ~500+ items. This is extremely long to load.
  7. loulou

    XF 2.2 First post (x) in thread y could not be pinned

    Thanks Mike, problem solved. Btw, this happened when I switched a node to article only mode.
  8. loulou

    XF 2.2 First post (x) in thread y could not be pinned

    First post (1045092316) in thread 3045224 could not be pinned #0 src/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php(113): XF\ThreadViewData->pinFirstPost() #1 src/addons/Truonglv/Groups/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php(25): XF\Pub\Controller\Thread->actionIndex(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag)) #2...
  9. loulou

    XF 2.2 Usergroup promotions order

    Yes, but in a race condition i've seen on the user changelog: Upgrade 1 applied (add to usergroup 1) Upgrade 2 applied (add to usergroup 2) Still when i checked member's profile , there was only usergroup 1 added.
  10. loulou

    XF 2.2 Usergroup promotions order

    Indeed, but it happened that two promotions where executed at the same time making one overwrite the latter.
  11. loulou

    XF 2.2 Usergroup promotions order

    Hi I've setup two usergroups prmotions based on posts count criteria What happens if a user matched both of them? Is there a sort of execution?
  12. loulou

    Fixed Error: Macro public:post_article_macros :: article_preview() error: Call to a member function filter() on null

    Error: Macro public:post_article_macros :: article_preview() error: Call to a member function filter() on null src/XF/Entity/Thread.php:659 Stack trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(157): XF\Entity\Thread->getCoverImage() #1 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(115)...
  13. loulou

    Fixed TypeError: Macro public:post_article_macros :: article_preview() error

    #0 [internal function]: XF\Entity\Thread->getLdStructuredData(NULL) #1 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1166): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 /data/tsat/data/internal_data/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l4/s18/public/post_article_macros.php(476)...
  14. loulou

    Post Time Stamps In The Future?

    I've also received a bug report from a member seeing notification time in the future. XF 2.2.1
  15. loulou

    As designed "Delete all warnings" permission does not work for moderators

    I think that this is a regression with the warning system. Moderators are complaining that they cannot delete warning they issued. Giving them delete all permission is not an option as it allow them to delete other staff's warning.
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